Monday, September 23, 2013

Mysteries of God Revealed to Man series

Mysteries of God Revealed to Man series of books available for purchase at:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


         The following posts in this blog exists was result from genuine International crime victim. Who is victim of felony crimes occurred in Republic of Benin, Ghana, Canada, Spain, and the United States. These felony crimes committed by various, from elected officials/leaders, law enforcement officials, and banks executive officers, and etc, who completely ignored to crime victim complaints. For the reason of they lacked of knowing the different between right and wrong, genuine and fake, as well as they seriously lazy, protect their political agendas and business power! They intentionally put International crime victims under the buses, again and again, for benefit themselves!
        Over seven years investigation, evidences showed various countries, professions, such as security companies, lawyers, federal employees, bankers, and religious leaders really “don’t care” about people who poor, who weak, who old and who powerless! Although, they very good of lips services, lied and did not do what they agreed to do of their promises throughout their campaigns seasons.

         Although, the living Almighty Eternal Creator always exists, He is watching their words and actions from their hearts. He is judging along the way the roads of they commit their felony crimes, and measure to damages they caused to the poor, weak, old, children and unborn children who powerless. His judgments against them, and He forces them pay in full! If they unable to pay in their earthly life time, their spouses, children, grandchildren, and their descendants many generations to come, must pay in full.
             As I briefly wrote on the CNN iReport article entitled, “Woman Saw God 70 times within 16 months, She Has Direct Communication with God for 20 years” (, and on my organization website, that it is long standing, the Almighty Eternal Creator surely get everything He designed for the result of His creations! It meant His real justice must prevail at the end!

        I received instructions from the Almighty Eternal Creator back, over seven years ago for take in this case. I repeatedly rejected! Because I knew financial scams and robbery everywhere, from the United States of America continent to African continent, European to Asia continents, if I take in that will cost me a lot of my money, and dearly suffering. He frankly said to me, "If you don't do it, there will be no one in this world will do them!" At that time, I knew government and religious officials unable to do them, because they are not fear and obey God!
        People with high power in government always got away with their murder, while the poor, homeless, weak, elderly, children, unborn children, and people in poverty always prosecuted by various forms. It is the reason of it took more than seven years for me gathered serious felony crimes evidences, from the bottom up to the top officials!

      I guaranteed everything I spoke and wrote based on truth facts with evidences! I fully responsible and liable for each and all words I spoke and written. Which the Almighty Eternal Creator is my truth witness for my words and my actions!

Mariette Do-Nguyen

BCEAO Benin Fake Website Reported to Benin Government Authorities

BCEAO Benin Director Agency Principle Evariste Sebastien BONOU Auto Reply to Fake Website Report

BCEAO Benin Genuine Website Contact Page

Scam and Attempted Robery Email Sent From BCEAO Benin's Director of Operation, Bakari Ahmed

BCEAO Benin Fake Website Operated by Its Employees, page 5